Project Management | Time Tracker | Activity Monitoring | Defect Tracker | Forum

Managing a Project from Start to Finish is always going to be a challenge as there are so many things that needs to be tracked and monitored. Common routines include

1. Assigning tasks to team members
2. How much time a team member is taking to develop a specific feature?
3. What is the status of the current task
4. Is the Defect reported by the Customer is fixed?
5. Automatically Send Monthly Time Sheet to Admin | Project Manager
6. Monitor Employee Activity | Work Dairy | Desktop Screenshots
7. Statistics like How much time the Team Member spends on Visual Studio , How much time on MS Word , How Much Time on IE | Firefox | Chrome etc.
8. View Employee Reports like Dialy , Monthly , Custom Reports , Time Sheet , Work Dairy , Employee Activity Statistics etc.
9. Integration with Github and other Version controlling systems to Track Defects.
10. Online Employee Skill Competency Test
11. Employee Remark Master and much more..
We Provide Off-The- Shelf System with the above set of features as a Product KTS WebCloud.  You can get the details form the link .

We also provide Custom Project Management , Time Tracker , Defect Tracker , Forum and other  Solutions tailor made to the specific customer requirements.

If you need more information or want to discuss about your project, please fill up the form below. One of our representative will be in touch with you soon.

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