SMS Printer
Description: Developed a Virtual Printer Driver that is used to send the POS Receipts as an SMS to the customer mobile phone. The POS Receipt image got form the Virtual Printer Driver will be first uploaded to a Web server using Web service API and form the web service backend , the application will send he SMS using SMS Gateway APIs.
Tools and Technologies: C++ | VC++ | MFC| WDK | C#.NET| ASP.NET | Web Services | SMS Gateway | Plivo | KAP
Client: Customer from India who is specialized in SMS Services.
Remarks:  Year 2017 – Present
Network Packet Filter and Injector
Description:  The aim of the Project is to develop a HTTP Network packet filter driver which can inspect the packets and then forward the packets it a remote location for analysis and can also inject scripts into packets which can display whether it contains any malicious links , other status etc. The system also have the provision to block certain sites from accessing within the Organization.
Tools and Technologies: C++ | VC++ | WDK | WFP | C#.NET | ASP.NET| Device Driver| TCP/IP| L2 / L3 Layer
Client: US Based client specialized in Content Filtering | Security Industry.
Remarks:  Year 2015 - 2016
IoT | Cloud based Building Automation System
Description:  Developed a System to manage the devices in the building from a remote place. All the devices and their status were communicated through MQTT protocol which is the backbone of IoT based system. 
Tools and Technologies: C++ | VC++ | Windows Services | IoT | Cloud
Client: Customer based on Saudi Arabia who is specialized in Building Automation Systems.
Remarks:  Year 2017 - Present
Network Auditing Software  
Description: Developed an Network Auditing tool to retrieve the status of the PC , the software's installed on the PC , the details abut the network printers and its various parameters like ink level etc.
Tools and Technologies:  C#.NET | VC++, ICMP, PING, Windows Sockets, SNMP .
Client: UK Based client specialized in Auditing software.
Remarks:  Year 2011 - 2012
SNMP Agent and Manager for Video Encoder
Description:  Developed an SNMP extension agent as well as SNMP Manager to manage the traffic Video Encoder MIB parameter objects like bit rate, frame rate etc.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, Win 32 DLL, SNMP Extension agent API, SNMP Manager API, SNMP, MIB, ASN.1
Client: US Based client specialized in Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Remarks:  Year 2007
Linux Based Encoder Server.
Description: Developed a Linux based software which can used to stream live videos from encoder. The software consists of PTZ camera framework controller, Video streaming component, linux demons..
Tools and Technologies: gcc, gdb, Fedora Linux, Hikvision SDK, H.264, Bosch Camera, IP camera, Mono Framework, Linux Demons, Shell Script, C#.NET, RS 232, Serial Port .
Client: US Based client specialized in Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Remarks:  Year 2009 –2010
Nethelper Network Monitoring Software
Description: This tool was used for monitoring machines in a network. This software uses a graphical environment to configure all the machines so as to monitor their status. The basic networking tasks like PING, checking for Port connectivity, remote system shutdown, restart etc.  The software now added provision to monitor and upload the status of the server to the  Cloud .
Tools and Technologies:  VC++, ICMP, PING, Windows Sockets, MFC , ASP.NET|Boostrap|HTML5|jQuery|Cloud .
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2004 - Present
HTTP/XML Based Communication Framework Component
Description:  Developed a Network Management HTTP/XML communication framework which can be used for communicating between devices which supports HTTP and XML.
Tools and Technologies: VS 2005, C#NET, Mono Framework, HTTP, XML Serialization, Windows/Linux
Client: US Based client specialized in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Remarks:  Year 2007 –2008
Distributed Download Manager
Description: This tool is like Napster application which is used to share and download files across a network. It works based on the principle of distributed computing and peer-to-peer networking technologies.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, Windows Sockets, MFC.
Client: One of the Popular College in India
Remarks:  Year 2003-2004
Instant Messenger Proxy Filter
Description: This tool was used to filter the persons that used to communicate in an organization. The application used to allow /block ports specific to Instant messengers like MSN, Yahoo, Skype from specific computer based on the organization policy rules.
Tools and Technologies: VC++,MFC, Winsock,NDIS Packet Filter Driver, DDK
Client: US Based Company specialized in Security
Remarks:  Year 2008
Trivial File Transfer protocol (TFTP) Component
Description: Developed a TFTP component for transferring files to and fro from embedded devices. The component supports all the Basic TFTP commands.
Tools and Technologies: VVC++, MFC, TFTP,RFC, UDP, Windows Sockets.
Client: A Client based in India
Remarks:  Year 2005
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Component
Description: Developed a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) client component which can be used to send E Mails.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, MFC, SMTP,RFC, TCP, Windows Sockets
Client: Client from India
Remarks:  Year 2005
File Upload Manager
Description: This tool was used to manage transfer of files either in the local network or to a remote network using FTP depending upon the preferences set by the user. The transfer also takes care of broken connection and transfer while in operation.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, MFC , FTP, Windows Sockets, Touch Screen Based GUI
Client: US Based company specialized in manufacture of pipeline video inspection & data collection systems
Remarks:  Year 2008
SNMP MIB Compiler
Description: Developed a tool to compile the SNMP MIB files to check for the SMI Object syntax
Tools and Technologies: VC++, MFC , SNMP, MIB, RFC 1157.
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2005
Custom Internet Browser
Description: This software was developed to navigate to a particular URL defined by the administrator of the application. This component was used in displaying the contents of the Tutorial CD application and other applications which needs to render the contents in the user definable format.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, IE Browser Component, MFC
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2006
Web Service Client Component
Description: Developed a Web Service C++ client to send Debugging data as XML to Web Server.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, gSOAP, HTTP, XML.
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2008
Simple HTTP Proxy Server
Description: Developed a simple HTTP Proxy Server/NAT to access internet in an intranet environment.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, Winsock, HTTP, Proxy Server/NAT
Client: An Organization based in India
Remarks:  Year 2002
PING Utility Component For Windows
Description: Developed a ping utility component as part of the Nethelper project
Tools and Technologies: VC++, Winsock, ICMP, MFC
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2004
Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) Component
Description: Developed a Session Announcement Protocol component which can be used to announce new sessions/programs in a multicasting environment
Tools and Technologies: VC++, Winsock, IP Multicasting, SAP Protocol, UDP
Client: US Based client specialized in Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Remarks:  Year 2008
NetPlayer Chat Software
Description:Developed basic chat software which can be used for sending text messages as well as playing chess between two clients.
Tools and Technologies: VC++, Winsock, MFC, TCP/IP
Client: A Popular College in India
Remarks:  Year 2002

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