UScanWebSpider | SEO Site Map Generaor
Description: Developed a Tool that Can Track various SEO Parameters of a Website like Page loading time, Title Text , Keywords etc . The tool can crawl al the public links in the website and can be used to generate Sitemaps so that we can submit the sitemap to the search engines directly.
Tools and Technologies: C#.NET | Windows Forms | HTTP | SEO
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2014 - Present
E Mail Marketing Software   
Description:  Developed a software which can be used to send E Mail Campaign to the selected customers in the groups. Provision is also there for configuring the campaigns and assigning to different users in the system.
Tools and Technologies: VC#.NET, .NET Framework 2.0, Web Services, SMTP, POP3.
Client: KTS InfoTech
Remarks:  Year 2010 . Visit for more details.
Search Engine Optimization Tool
Description: This tool can be used to optimize the web page to make it search engine friendly. The tool has various provisions like, keyword optimization, keyword density check, search engine ranking etc which makes an ideal platform and an indispensable tool for SEO practitioners.
Tools and Technologies: VC++ 6.0, MFC, Search engine API’s.
Client: US Based company specialized in Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization
Remarks:  Year 2010

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